Glow Serum.

Okay, clean beauty is where it’s at! …And one of my favorite ways to treat myself & my skin is with my homemade boujie glow serum. This oily concoction has been such a game changer for my aging, sensitive skin. Not only has it helped with moisture retention & redness reduction (thanks rosacea), but I feel all kinda “Fancy Like” when I use it. It’s plant-based, non-toxic natural skin support - that can be formulated to support many skin types.

Here is the scoop on mine (the boujie version):

Organic Jojoa Oil: So many healing properties for skin. Soothes and softens, full of nutrients like Vitamin E & B, deeply hydrating & easily absorbed into the skin, provides a long=acting layer of moisture, it’s gentle & non-allergenic (very helpful for my sensitive skin)

Frankincense: Often called “Natures’s Botox” (as it is a powerful anti-aging oil- helping with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles), it brightens and tightens skin, helps reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone, fights blemishes and promotes healthy, glowing younger looking skin.

Lavender: Soothes & calms skin, anti-inflammatory properties, supports again skin + blemish appearance reduction.

Blue Tansy: Skin cleansing & soothing benefits, moisturizing, Used in high-end luxury beauty products.

Copiaba: Promotes youthful, radiant glow & when mixed with other oils it magnifies the properties & benefits of the other oils.


The how to…

Add the following to a 30 ml bottle.

✨15-20 drops Frankincense

✨10-15 drops Lavender

✨ 10 drops Copiaba

✨3-4 drops Blue Tansy

Then fill the remainder with Organic Jojoba Oil & shake to mix.

I like to use 3-4 drops of the glow serum on my face after cleansing. Both morning & night. 🖤

I call this the boujie version, because of the blue tansy oil. This oil is a more expensive oil, which I actually saved up my YL loyalty rewards points to purchase a few months ago. The thing is though, I only use 3-4 drops in each bottle of serum that I make. So with 100 or so drops in each 5ml of Blue Tansy, it’s going to last me forever and a day. So, this is newer to me, having the blue tansy in my glow serum. When I first got started with oils, I just used the oils in my starter bundle to make up a glow serum that consisted of Frankincense, Lavender & Valor (which has blue tansy in it). Then I eventually added in, Copiaba to that mix. ….But now have switched out the Blue Tansy for the Valor.

I created two starter bundles that include the oils for making your own glow serum, if your interested in giving your skin care routine (& skin) a glow up. The Glow Serum Bundle & the Boujie Glow Serum Bundle (this one has the Blue Tansy oil included in it). & So you don’t have to waste anytime getting started I’ll send you a glass bottle full of the Jojoba oil, so that you can add the oils right in! If you think that your skin type might benefit from another combination - Reach out to me & together we can create a Glow Serum with essential oils that might best support your skin type.

And because both Glow Bundles include Frankincense, I just have to add another oily thing I do to support my aging skin. I keep a roller top on my bottle of Frankincense and roll it neat (meaning directly) onto my fine lines an wrinkles. Yes, right on my fine lines and wrinkles, even those around my eyes. ✨

xo. e.


glow-up goodness.

Into it. 🖤

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