Back to school boosters.
Updated 09/29/21
A handful of healthy for my honeys.
…Mama approved.
Tis the season for sniffles and sneezes with the kiddos headed back to school! Let the wellness boosting rituals commence! Year round I do my best to encourage exercise and nutritious eating habits around here (for the most part). I’m always looking to limit sugar intake for all and I am constantly suggesting (okay, maybe pushing) water. “Have you had enough water today?” “Would you like some more water?'“ “Oh, you have a hang nail? How about drinking some more water?…” But honestly, I feel like these things are actually the most powerful ways to do a body good. Nourishing foods, Movement, Water….Oh, and I’d have to add plenty of SLEEP to the list! Having said that, I also don’t think it hurts to step up our family’s wellness boosting game going back to school & then with Fall & Winter right around corner. I absolutely dread the head or chest cold that sticks around for what seems like an eternity, as it takes its good ole time circulating from one family member to another. You may know the one, it lasts for (or four) weeks!
So what can it hurt to anti-up each year in hopes that we are spared a few extra healthy weeks?! Here’s a few of the things that I incorporate to help boost our bodies…
Wild Blueberry & Spinach Smoothie: Superfoods unite here. Organic WILD Blueberries have twice the amount of antioxidants as regular blueberries and are a powerhouse in so many ways when it comes to health and healing . Then add spinach, need I say more?! The punch delivered here is one that your body and immune system will thank you for! We don’t have these daily, but I do try to at least work a smoothie or two into the weekend.
Recipe: 1 Banana, 1 cup Wild Blueberries (frozen), 1/2 cup Spinach, 1 Date (pitted), the Juice of one Orange or 1/4 cup Coconut Water. Blend all together in high speed blender or Vitamix.
“Healthy Honeys” Wellness Roller: The Thieves essential oil is the magic ingredient here! It’s been around since the 1400’s and has countless testimonials to its wellness boosting & germ fighting powers. (All of this in another post, coming soon). You may have heard of it, however, if you’re not familiar with this blend of essential oils it consist of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark & Eucalyptus Radiata. I make a roller out of this and we roll it on the bottoms of our feet before bed and I roll it behind our ears and down our spines in the morning. I also like to add a few drops to our bedroom diffusers at night for a little extra, extra when someone feels like they might be coming down with something…or if they have already got something! This may or may not sound like some Witchy Ways, but I assure you it’s really amazing what we’ve experienced in our house with the power of Thieves. What I’ve realized is that when something works (especially when it comes to natural products), the only verdict I need are the results I see and experience at home.
Wellness Roller Recipe (10ml roller): 20 drops of Young Living Thieves essential oil + 10 drops of Frankincense + 5 drops of Copiaba & Fill the rest with Fractionated Coconut oil.
Wellness Diffuser Blend: 4-5 drops of Thieves Essential Oil, 2-3 drops of Lemon & 1-2 drops of Copiaba (& for a few extra zzz’s 1-2 drops of Lavender).
Probiotic: Ummm, Yes! Yes! & Yes! Always here for these. I do a pretty good job of including these throughout the year, but I am sure to give out the daily doses as Fall revs up and the weather begins to change. By now we’ve all probably heard about the role that gut health plays in our immune system, so I won’t go into that here. However, I do want to say that incorporating these Mighty Probiotics have been the best. Number one being, because the kids remind ME that it’s time for their probiotic - because they love them! They are like little pixie sticks without any sugar or other unnecessary crud…which I can always get behind. Not only are these gems boosting their bodies by supporting their immune systems, but my seven year old has stopped having so many tummy aches since he’s been taking them regularly. Rob and I take the Life9 Probiotic. Not nearly as exciting as a berry pixie stick, but we’re getting the same good gut health benefits right along with the kiddos and that’s what counts!
Ningxia Red: I have recently added this to the regimen on the daily without fail. Prior to school starting back this year, we had gone in spurts with this one - simply because we would run out and then I would forget to reorder and there you have it. Now with the new website & the option to “Subscribe and Save”, It automatically adds to my order as I have it set. Now, we always have it on hand. Anyway, back to the why, why do we drink this on the daily. Simply put, it is loaded with a crazy amount of antioxidants. I’ve included an image below for a comparison to just how much goodness is packed into it. The boys think it’s delicious & do not let me forget their daily dose of “Ninja Juice”. 🖤
Antioxidant Powerhouse.
Can be enjoyed in more ways than one, but it really is so good on it’s own.
Finding comfort and success with these wellness boosting rituals works for our family, as the boys return to school & Summer turns to Fall.
I’ve created a Back to School Bundle to make it easy to add the MightyProbiotic & the Ningxia Red to your kiddos wellness routine, then I’ll send you a “Healthy Honeys” Wellness Roller as my treat to you!
Be Well!
xo. e.