rootedSELF, the remix.


Funny how this feels like a bad idea and the best Idea, all at the same time.

…Either way what do I have to lose?

I started this blog in 2013 as a creative outlet to connect, to inspire and to combine my interests…most of them being rooted in wellness. The name of the blog was rootedSELF. I enjoyed sharing my love for healthy living, food, interior design & more. The thing is, somewhere along the way my roots became a little uprooted. I never really stopped with the healthy living - I just got lost in the day to day mix of life and motherhood and time for blogging got booted. Simple as that. I love being a mom and I love the work I do for our creamery, but I’d like to feel a little more balanced with my own interests, desires and goals. I know that this would not only be beneficial to me, but to my family too. When I’m my best self, I’m better for them. When exactly did this happen? How did it happen? I’m not sure. It just did & I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only women who has ever experienced this trying to balance all of the things and still be true to themselves, or maybe I am. Am I? Anyway, after a challenging year that basically felt like it blew me over. …Like roots out of the ground, laying on my side over, I’ve found myself wanting to revisit pieces of me that have been pushed aside & dive into something new! I’m not currently looking to go back to teaching yoga, or a health coaching, or interior design (not right now anyway). I am also not looking to become any kind of blogger/instagram superstar (unless of course there is a place for those who favor joggers & unwashed hair). I am however looking to regain some balance and document it here. To me, that means getting grounded, prioritizing self-care, honoring my interests and personal goals, connecting with people more often (even for my introverted self), being creative, focusing on the things that bring me joy & fill me up & on and on. A little more time & effort to the things that add to my happiness, my heart and my sanity (what’s left of it anyway, ha!). My roots.

Welcome to the remix! I'll be figuring it out as I go - sharing along the way. Sharing, Why? (I ask myself) …It’s out of my current comfort zone and it’s time consuming at that, ha! But I really do enjoy something about putting things down in this space, it’s theraputic-ish & so I’m going to go with it. Anyway, the remix, will most likely consist of healthy living & recipes, amateur food photography (with my totally overwhelmed very tired iPhone 7), some sort of new exercise activity (my body is craaaaaaving strength and flexibly again), essential oils (yes, I've become that lady - which I actually don’t think will be a shocker to those who know me best), a house thing here and there, books I love, meditation, toxic free living, the cheese life (we have a creamery), my family, my kids, my thoughts (probably more random than deep) and anything else that jives with the remix of rerooting myself.

I hope you’ll come along with me. Or at least stop by from time to time. In the scheme of blogs it will probably be more like a cassette tape remix, more than an iTunes download. As you will see, I am not a writer, or a photographer, or a chef, or a fashionista, or an expert of anything for that matter. I do however, for some crazy reason, have the desire to share with you.

…Which honestly scares me a little, but I’m going to do it anyway, yikes!

xo. e.