My Mantra for 2021.
It’s pretty simple & It’s flexible. I spent 2020 being off. Off on so many levels. Mentally, physically, emotionally. This was not because of Covid, although as the year went on and Covid came to be, I’m sure it played a part in the my whole Off-ness. The bulk of it had to do with health challenges that both physically and mentally challenged me in a way that I had never experienced before. Looking back at it, while now mostly being on the other side of things, I am starting to see the personal growth that happened as a result of plugging through some dark days, but I know that I still have more to realize as time goes on. Maybe one day I’ll even have the courage to share the struggle, whether it be for my own healing or for others (because lord knows I was a googling fool for anyone to relate too when I was in the thick of it). Anyway, for now, I’m focusing on what life looks like going forward. Continued healing, health, gratitude for all that was & all that is! And what I realize is that what I need most right now, this year, is self-LOVE. Maybe some call it self-care, but I feel like I need more than that. I need the word LOVE involved. I think all of the challenges made me doubt myself & my body. This isn’t anything that I have ever felt before & it didn’t feel good. I’ve always found comfort and confidence in my body and it’s ability to keep me breathing & living for all of these years. …Maybe this is easier to do when all is well & good, ha! Anyway, even through all of the struggle of last year my body was still doing a really great job for me….like so much good! I want to tune back into it, appreciate it & do what I can to help myself along - because I sure am not getting any younger…and it is not getting any easier! Like for rrrrreal!! I used to be so connected to my body through…Meditation..Movement…& Meals. I also used to not have any kids, lol! But really, there is no excuse at this point. I NEED it!!! & I deserve it (we ALL do) It also helps that my kids are getting older and I am on the mend! The time is now & who couldn’t use a little more L O V E these days - even if it is self induced! Doing this for myself is just as important, as my caring for everyone else. Time to start living that belief. Time to press “PLAY”. I know my family will all benefit greatly from my self-LOVIN’ efforts & I know that they will also encourage it!
So…Im keeping it simple & fairly flexible. Because as much as I used to thrive on rigid goals & routines, they are just not my thing anymore. Leave it to kids to loosen up the reigns on livin’! It’s going to look something like this…
Meditation. This is something that has been a part of my life for over 15 years. I go in spurts. Really regular daily practice for months, then nothing at all for weeks. Regular daily practice for weeks, then nothing for a month. A day here, a couple of days there, a few days off. You get the picture. This past year I did somehow manage to keep this pretty regular. I think it was the one thing that gave me a break from my own mental chatter, fears, etc…as exercise was not an option. I’m going for it daily this year. The flexibility here will come in the duration. I would like to allow for at least 20 minutes everyday, but somedays I will take what I can get, even if it is only 5 minutes and other days where I might be able to sneak in more! It is a significant part of my mental health. It just works for me. I used to be able to sink right into a self induced deep mediation and stay there for a long while…did I mention that was pre-kids? …Now, I opt for a guided meditation or at least meditative music to get me centered and going. Meditation is like a switch for me. It turns off what is not serving me, gets me centered and shifts my energy for the better. Every Single Time.
Movement. Umm, this used to be my go-to..for mind, body, all of it. Moving my body whether it be through yoga or a walk has always provided me with so much when it comes to self-LOVE. But between busy life with little ones & then the health stuff…it just got left behind. Like, “poof”…GONE! & with it went all of my strength and flexibility and the good endorphins too. Damn it! Now are the days of if you don’t use it, you lose it. Ouch! But starting, is starting and I've at started and so 'I’m choosing to focus on the positive in that. Right now, I’m back to yoga every 2 days. Starting slow, doing everything about 15%, looking at it almost as therapy rather than a workout. There is nothing worse than starting to exercise again, going for it, hurting yourself and delaying your startup even more. So I’m re-entering at turtle speed here and TOTALLY aware of the body that I am working with now…not the body that I used put through these 26 postures. I am now part Tin Man, or maybe it’s Frankenstein, but either way, I am moving again. To say that I am humbled would be an understatement, but I am navigating finding compassion for myself as I go through this process. I know my body will open up, I know that it will get stronger & I know that it takes time. I now tell myself what I used to teach to others. I also call my OG yoga soul mate for reminders and pep talks. Thank goodness for her, or I probably would have stopped before I even started! 🖤
On another note…
My “hot” room is currently my son’s room which is the smallest room in the house (chosen to keep the heat close). …Equipped with a $20 mirror, a space heater and a humidifier cranked up all of the way, Frankincense blasting - me and my yoga mat. Let’s just say I am not hitting the 105 degree 40% humidity mark, but it works!
Meals. For me, this means taking the time to eat! I already eat healthy & clean with important doses of moderation. What I do want to do is make sure that I take the time to fuel my body throughout the day (I’ve talked about this before). I find that in them morning I end up unintentionally fasting (which I don’t love for my body), as I get everyone else up and moving and taken care of. The next thing I know it’s noon and I’m starving. And then I start my morning rituals with the celery juice and the detox smoothie and then I’m wanting “lunch” at 4:00, but it’s too close to dinner and on and on and there lies my frustration. So my goal here is simply to work my morning rituals into my MORNING!!! Sounds so easy, right? …We shall see.
More oils. I’m already a heavy user (lol), but I want to stick with my daily oily routines and rituals that have become such a part of my self-lovin’ ways. In all honesty, they helped get me through my 2020 challenges (of course my family & closest friends assisted with this too, but I think that’s a no brainer). Emotionally, they supported me with the centering and calming that I needed, in a way that my body soaked up. Our limbic system is a powerful thing!!! Call me crazy, or maybe you get it, either way I’ll be over here dousing myself in all of the plant juice goodness.
What are your personal Mantras, Goals, Hopes, Desires for 2021? I would love to hear! Doesn’t matter to me whether you started them on January 1st, yesterday, or plan to start a month from now. It’s okay to press “PLAY” on your intentions whenever feels right for YOU! I happen to make these around the first of the year & then defined them even more around my birthday (the end of January).. …By the end of March they will have probably evolved again… #human
xo. e.