How long until...

FLAVOR CHOICES.  Dylan: Always mixing it up!  Ryder: ‘Pink”

FLAVOR CHOICES. Dylan: Always mixing it up! Ryder: ‘Pink”

How long until…SO MANY THINGS!? This is what I ponder lately feeling especially sentimental about our boys growing up. It seems like it’s happening so fast. I think it was all triggered the other day when I realized that I can’t remember the last time that I physically picked Dylan up. Not because I am not able to, but because he doesn’t need me to anymore. He’s older and bigger and does so many things on his own now. It got me thinking of so many things that just happen naturally along the way of raising little ones & their transitioning from completely dependent to a little more independent and then to completely grown (which just imagining could bring on the tears). Don’t get me wrong, there are some moments, or days when I daydream about them being a little more independent - but mostly - I just want to freeze time for awhile and stay right here. The place where they love to be snuggled and smooched on. The place where family time is the best time and little adventures to get ice cream and take a walk around our town are everything. The place where they want us to read them stories and hold them tight and tuck them in their beds at night. The place where our hugs and kisses heal their hurts. The place where their days consist mostly of play and family...and too many snack requests! The place where our house is messy, five minutes post clean-up. The place…that is our right now.

So my mind wonders…How long until cuddling isn't cool? How long until kisses from mom and dad are gross? How long until they don’t need or want us to read to them at night or tuck them in? How long until time with friends is desired more then time with family? How long until Ryder says Dylan, instead of “Diwaan”? How long until my house stays CLEAN? ha! There are so many things that happen daily with them that I love. So many things that I just want to soak up while I can, before it’s gone and we’ve moved onto the next stage.

I realize that it’s all part of the deal with having children. They grow up. …And no matter how much I want to freeze time on these moments or any for that matter, time is just going to continue to tick away. The only thing that I can do, is to try and be as present as possible in all of the moments. The more present I can be in these fleeting moments then the more I will be able to not only experience them fully…but also remember them…and hopefully hold them in my heart…FOREVER.

Being six and a half and almost three has them naturally so in the moment of life and I just want that for them for as long as possible. Their innocence and wonder and enchantment with the world is so pure and I just want that for them for as long as possible too. And honestly, with as much as there is going on with the world right now, all of these things that they are right now - help keep those things a little more alive in me as well.

But dang, can’t they just stop growing up!? For like a minute. I’d be pressing the pause button on this soundtrack if I could.

Love them.

xo. e.


Weekend trip to Jeni’s ice cream #375

…Now without the wagon. 😭

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